Written by Dr. Brian A. Magna, DPT, ATC
As we soon begin a new spring season, why not think about your local doctor of physical therapy (DPT) to help take you to new fitness and health levels you previously haven’t been able to achieve. Many individuals don’t realize how sophisticated and comprehensive physical therapists are regarding evaluation, rehabilitation and fitness.
Physical Therapists are extensively trained in the evaluation and treatment of injuries, as well as, being able to identify factors which may lead to injury or illness while helping you achieve your goals.
PT’s haven’t always been the first choice for health or injury questions, but are now one of the most popular options for healthcare. They are easily accessible and are at your service for all injury, rehabilitation and fitness needs. Direct Access laws in Connecticut for physical therapists were signed in 2005 and allow individuals to call a therapist and make an appointment for evaluation and treatment without a physician referral.
Magna Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Center in Avon & Canton also offer an annual PT checkup. This evaluation assesses all systems, focusing on the musculoskeletal system to address limitations, compensatory movement patterns and concerns regarding potential issues as one ages such as falls and balance issues.
So why not give your local doctor of physical therapy the opportunity to help you with your health and fitness needs? You won’t regret developing the relationship.
Dr. Magna is the owner of Magna Physical Therapy &
Sports Medicine here in the
Farmington Valley and can be reached at: Brian@magnapt.com with any questions.