Magna Physical TherapyJun 19, 2021Preventing Dancer Burnout Through Physical Fitness & Self Care: A Perspective From One of Our OwnWritten by Janelle Holmes Being a highly-trained dancer, I know that our “M.O.” as dancers is to spread ourselves way too thin, which...
Magna Physical TherapyMay 21, 2021The Benefit of Performance Coverage by a PTWritten by Dr. Meagan K. Robichaud, PT, DPT So, you’ve rehearsed for months in preparation for the performance and your dancers are ready...
Magna Physical TherapyMar 19, 2021Preventative Exercises for the Acro DancerWritten By: Dr. Brianne M Dwyer, PT, DPT Acro over the years has been gaining in popularity, specifically with the competition dancers I...